Thursday 23 June 2011

23rd June 2011 and I didn't make the 5 tonne....or did I?

Well today was what you could call interesting! I went along to the gym with my girlie friends after dropping Catriona off at nursery. Today was the day that we were going to see how much we could lift in 10 minutes and this would be noted on the gym board. First of all I did a 1 km warm up jog (6 minutes and 36 seconds). I didn't want to wear the legs out too much. Next to the weights. There are two weight bars. One is free standing and one is attached to a 'rack'. I preferred the rack as changing from squat to dead lift and back again would be easier. I had been told that the rack bar weighed 7kg on its own but that the weight of the bar would be included in the total lifted. So off I set with 15kg extra on the bar. I managed a total of 215 reps in the 10 minutes. At this point I was told the total was just the added weight. Now I wasn't too happy at this as I could have used the other lighter bar and put a lot more weight on it. In the end the instructor agreed to but both weights up (without and with bar). Its not as if I was challenging all those body builders, I was the first female to have a go. Anyway, without the bar I managed 3225kg total, with the bar this was 4730kg, not quite the 5 tonne I was hoping but not far off, I just needed another 13 reps to top the 5 tonne. However, and this is where it gets interesting, I was then informed that the bar actually weighs 15kg and not 7. This would mean I lifted a total of 6450kg. Wow.....megga....beat a couple of guys. However, I am dubious. I think it is 7 kg and 15lb. I am saying I did 4730kg and that is for definate. I could lift 30kg each time but maybe not for 10 minutes and it didn't feel like 30kg. I think I need to go into the gym and stand on the scales with the bar. It is the only way to know for certain what I actually lifted. I'll report back as I'm back in the gym tonight (Catriona has a swimming lesson). 6450kg would be awesome but I can't see it. Sweated enough but I'm dubious.

Later all xxx

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