Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh………………..its hhhhheeeeerrrrreeeee!!!!!!
I’m falling apart, everything hurts and I’ve not even started yet. Oh dear. Right lets get started on the excuses. June 1st unfortunately is a disaster on the exercise front. Oh I’ll be on my feet all day but walking….with kids…..
So, paper work was done before Catriona (my daughter) woke up. After that was the normal routine of trying to get her wash, dresses and fed for nursery. Added bonus on this dark wet day is that it is the nursery trip, and I’m helping on it. Oh the joys. That’s me ties up until 3pm. However, I did spend half an hour chasing the kids around the outdoor soft play whilst we played chase and tickle. Distance covered: haven’t a Scooby but it was running…..Next the mad dash home to get Catriona changed and off to her pony riding lesson. Okay, that’s me tied up until 5.45pm. Mad dash then to get the tea made and consumed, so tied up until 6.45pm. Bath run for Catriona, supper, stories read and songs sung…..8.45pm. I’m buggered if I’m going out in the dark wet evening now. I’m shattered.
However…. As with Janathon….the 10m corridor beckons so that I managed to get a short run completed. Need to do something every day and I cannot flunk on the very first day. So while tea is cooking (as this is the only time I have) I managed 100 laps of the corridor (1km) in 6 mins 50 seconds. This is a new record. Wonder if it will be beaten at all over the next month.
I really hope the month (which I know is heaving with activities already) improves with regards being able to get out and actually pound the ground! Tommorrow is kill myself at the gym day so that day is sorted. Phew……
Good luck all you fellow Juneathoners.
Running 100 laps of a corridor is dedicated. Or mad. Or both.