Tuesday, 11 January 2011

11th January 2011

11th January 2011

Woo Hoo. My new
Ab Circle
has arrived. Apparently 3 mins every day on this should help firm up the lovely wobbly love handles. It worked for my hairdresser big style so going to give it a try. The love handles are an area that isn’t really pushed on me and even in my lighter days the love handles were still ‘hanging around’ so it won’t do any harm doing some exercise based on this region. I spent yesterday afternoon setting the ab circle up and having a quick go. Definitely felt the sides working so fingers crossed after a good few weeks I might start seeing and feeling the benefits. From now on every work out will include 3 minutes on the ab circle.

Anyway, woke up this morning, stretched and suddenly realised that was a bad idea. OOOWWWW! Someone inserted daggers into my buttocks and thighs during the night. My gluteal, quad and hamstring muscles where all harping NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO together in perfect harmony. My calves, back and hips were okay thank goodness! I managed to get out of bed, resembling a 90 year old and walked (if you can call it that) to the bathroom! To use the toilet I had to semi-squat with arms behind me until I found the toilet seat so that I was able to use my arms to lower myself to a sitting position (sorry for being so descriptive). Very attractive I can tell you. At times like this, men you don’t know how lucky you are. Well the day progressed in this manner resulting in my arms having a fantastic work out. I was doing paper work all morning whilst Catriona was at Nursery so the lack of movement was a great help (not). Moving around and stretching in the afternoon definitely did help some though the daggers of pain were still there but a little blunt from all the stabbing.

So did I have an ‘off’ day…..oh no.  Can’t do that as it is Janathon. Catriona had her swimming lesson which lasts 40 minutes. We were running a tad late but once she was safely deposited into the pool for her lesson I waddled around to the gym for a wee jog. Jogging felt good. I managed to complete 3km in 18 mins and 5 secs. Not too bad for me. Stretching the legs and taking good long strides felt wonderful (though I did hold onto the front of the treadmill to prevent myself being spat off the back whilst stretching and running at the same time). I didn’t have time for anything else as I had to waddle back to the changing rooms to get changed and into the pool before Catriona’s lesson finished. After Catriona’s lesson I have my compulsory weight lift session of swinging and throwing children around the pool and speed running in water with at least 2 children hanging from my back as I pretend I’m a horse.  How do I log this into the training application? Being in the water and hence removing the weight burden from my legs felt wonderful. However, then I had to get back out of the pool. Not so wonderful and definitely not graceful I can assure you. Anyway, that was today and I managed to exercise. Only knows what tomorrow holds xxx.

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