Saturday 8 January 2011

8th January 2011

8th January 2011

Well as I wake up this morning the Quads are nippy….just a bit….love it. Backs a bit sore though so need to work on the core muscle some more. They obviously could do with being a bit stronger. My hips are sore too but that is normal, especially in the cold weather. Physiotherapist suggested putting a baggage strap around the hips to keep them in place. Great a baggage strap to hold the old bag together. Wouldn’t that look good on the treadmill. 4 butt cheeks waving hello instead of 2 and can you imaging the chaffing. Not a chance, hence sore hips. Don’t you just love child birth! Any way… one the subject of lovely children my daughter came up to me this morning, pinched my love handle and said ‘Don’t worry mummy, I’ll help you run up and down the corridor today’. Oh how good I feel now. My own personal trainer who has just turned 4 years old! Well there is 8 inches of fresh snow on the ground outside. No jogging outside for me today! Also, this means I can’t get Catriona to her dance class. So exercise plan:

1 – Build snowman
2 – Jog 100x 10m up and down corridor
3 – Take Catriona through dance exercises.

Progress report:

1 – Build snowman: Well the snow didn’t bind very well so rolling the balls of snow for the body and head were impossible. Therefore we resorted to piling the snow up into a huge compact heap and using a bucket (sand castle style) to make the head. We succeeded and in the process I covered (roughly using number of steps x average stride length) 1014m. This also included a sledge pull, so some resistance training tied in. Yes I know I’m milking it but come on….really….I’m not in any running for maximum mileage in one month. Some of them fit bunnies out there will cover more distance in one day than I’ll do in a week. I’m in it to take part, do something daily (get this wobble bottom off the sofa) and to have a laugh about it.

2 – Jog 100x 10m up and down corridor. Here I’ve waited till Catriona is peacefully watching a cartoon and got started. I thought I’d get the jog done before she noticed. WRONG! Think I did 15m and that was it. After that she wanted to join in. Not a bad think I suppose. It gets her exercising and warmed up for her practising her dance. Bad for my timing thought. This time the 1km took 7 mins 25 secs. Towards the end Catriona brought out her toy keyboard so did the last section hurdling Catriona and a keyboard whilst the demo played jingle bells. Oh what fun…..he he he.

3 – Take Catriona through dance exercises. How to record this in the training log….hhhmmm….ah yes there we are: Cross Training/ Dancing. Tell you its hard work. The warm up involved jogging around the table, jumping up and down, burpies and star jumps followed by some really needed stretches. After that is the actual dance steps. First tap, then jazz and to finish off some disco. I’m pooped! Total steps taken were 656 over 20 mins. Its difficult to measure as some of the dance moves don't involve actually moving your feet. It really is basic level dance moves at the moment. The warm up is the hardest bit. But hey...its moving.

Weight Loss from 1st January 2011 – 2lb (staying constant, at least not going up. If I could keep at 1-2lb a week I would be ecstatic). Okay gassed enough for today. Bye bye till tomorrow.


  1. Nice snowman! Snowman building should definitely count as cross-training... As should child/keyboard hurdling. Sports for the next Olympics maybe?

  2. Love the snowman! Well done with the weight loss! I'm still eating as if it's Christmas...fresh start for me next week...maybe! :-)

  3. Fab blog! I'm still getting through the last of the christmas chocolate and cakes.........
