Friday 14 January 2011

14th January 2011

January 14th 2011-01-14

Oh I’m pooped!

Well after a few hours of cleaning the spare bedroom yesterday I finally found the spare bed. Woo hoo. I was beginning to doubt that there was still a bed in the spare room. I don’t think I have seen in since…. Oo… October? Well I have still got one and you can actually use it again now so I’m very proud of myself. To celebrate I thought I’d have a glass of Guinness with my tea. Yes, I know, very lady like but I’m giving blood in a few weeks so the Guinness was purely for medicinal purpose you understand. Anyway, no body told me that the iron in the Guinness would turn to solid lumps of iron in your lower legs so that jogging was like you were waist deep in mud!

I went happily along to the gym this morning for my weekly torture session. I started with the treat mill and Martin Yelling’s 180 Max interval Training playing in the ears and my spanky new trainers on my feet. 150bpm……this actually was hard work today. Oh no….I’ve 160pm, 170bpm and 180bpm still to go….twice! I tell you, iron weights in your legs is not funny! Next time I’m mixing the Guinness with red bull. Maybe the wings will lift the iron. I did however, keep going. Gritting teeth and breathing heavy I completed the whole work out.  Sweat, oh my, did I sweat. My ever efficient cooling system has broken and I have a severe water leak…..everywhere (no I didn’t pee myself I just sweated….lots). I couldn’t finished the whole 43 minutes as my MP3 player died after 40 minutes but that was during the cool down anyway. I did manage a grand (to me) 6.2km in the 40 minutes. Last week it took all 43 minutes to do this distance, so despite iron leg weights I completed the distance 3 minutes quicker. Must mean something….

The new trainers seem to be doing well. No funny pain anywhere or nasty rubbings. I did feel that my gait had changed a bit so might need to build up the arch inside a smidgen and keep my feet in the agreeable position. I seem to need to do this with all trainers anyway so nothing new. All in all I’m quite happy with my trainers.   

Next I thought I would tire out the arms with some shoulder presses. I was planning to do 20x7.5kg, 10x10kg and 10x15kg. However, dummy me set the machine wrong. After the first 20 I thought I’m really struggling today only to realise I had done 20x12.5kg. No words for me really is there other than stupid. I finished with another 20x7.5kg and that was enough. Funny how the last 20 were really easy!

Once home and feeling like I’d been run over with a road roller, I fell onto the ab circle and finished with 3 minutes on this contraption. Sides ache a bit so must be doing something.

Right off to feed the wee monster and then do the food shopping. Bye bye. Till tomorrow. x


  1. Great work Sarah, I would have thought a drop of the old black velvet would have sped you up! I'm 2 weeks since having a drop of booze, and my jeans are feeling loose! - this janathon lark s burning some serious calories... keep up the great work and keep mixing it up! cheers sean xx

  2. I have Guinness in the same medicinal way!
